Family Medicine Midwest Membership Levels and Benefits

Primary Care Partner for $2500
• Complimentary logo on FMM website landing page, Member Organizations page with click through to their website.  Opportunity to include link to your job openings or career page from the FMM Career Center.  

• Logo on the Thank you/tribute ad on the conference app

• Two complimentary registrations for conference 
• Podium recognition at a conference plenary session
• Signage recognition at conference
• Invitation to attend annual planning session for FMM

Sustainer member for $1000
• Listed on FMM website as a Sustainer level Foundation member. Opportunity to include link to your job openings or career page from the FMM Career Center.  
• One complimentary conference registration 
• Invitation to attend annual planning session for FMM

 Contributor member for $500
• Listed in the conference app and Foundation web site as a Contributor member|
• Scholarship provided to a student in the conference host state

Chapter scholarship provider
Chapters in the Family Medicine Midwest region are encouraged to send a minimum of two students from your state to attend. 
• Chapters would select the students and directly fund their registration and travel as they wish.
• Chapter will receive scholarship donor special recognition on the FMM Foundation web site if they agree to ongoing annual support of at least two students from their state. 
• FMM States include: IA, IN, IL, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD, WI

Ready to join us? Complete the online form and an invoice will be sent to you.
Direct questions to Jennifer O'Leary at [email protected]
The Family Medicine Midwest Foundation is a charitable public foundation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and is thereby able to receive grants and tax-deductible gifts and contributions.