Perinatal Care & Family Medicine Collaborative at 2023 Family Medicine Midwest Conference

Family Medicine Perinatal Think Tank Part I and Part II
Led by Safiya McNeese-Ruffin, MD

Associate Program Director, Director of SIU Alton Family Medicine Obstetrics & Women's Health
Jerriann Collymore, MD, Northwestern Family Medicine, Lake Forest
Laurine Tiema-Benson, MD, Northwestern Family Medicine, Lake Forest

With continued emphasis on the importance of Family Medicine in Perinatal Care and Maternal Health, this collaborative will serve as a thinktank of collaborative ideas to increase, promote and sustain equitable birthing practices across Family Medicine.  It is geared toward aspiring and current Directors and Leaders in Women’s and Maternal Health in Family Medicine on all levels (pre-med to practicing attendings).  During this conference and foundation for networking and strong coalition of like-minded maternal health care workers will be established, while incorporating robust discussion and workshops in practical application

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore the landscape of maternal morbidity and mortality in the Midwest region.
  • Share efforts to increase health equity in the Maternal Health Populations we serve.
  • Develop collective, focused efforts in advocacy surrounding perinatal care

Geared toward aspiring and current Directors and Leaders in Women’s and Maternal Health in Family Medicine on all levels (pre-med to practicing attendings). 

Friday September 29, 2023
9:00 am – 12:00pm

This meeting will be an introduction of like-minded people and a networking opportunity with the goal to create community and networking. 

  • Brief background of current state of maternal health and family medicine in this region
  • Discussion of innovative ideas developed amongst the cohort of attendees.
  • Develop ideas for collaborative and future opportunities to connect and share.
  • Wellness activity that can also be used with the maternal populations we serve.